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Your search for "*" yielded 126393 hits

From carpets in the market to Academy professor

Published 23 October 2019 William Agace, Professor at Mucosal Immunology at Dep. of Experimental Medical Science at Lund University. Photo: Agata Garpenlind He was selling carpets on Mårtenstorget in Lund, applying for all kinds of jobs and answered an advert from the Department of Clinical Immunology, Lund University, for a lab technician job. He didn´t get the job. Instead he was asked if he wan - 2025-02-17

Translational research: Developing new methods to prevent organ rejection and growing new organs in the lab

Published 23 October 2019 Darcy Wagner and Sandra Lindstedt Ingemansson, researchers at the Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicine, Lund University and Skåne University Hospital. Photo: Agata Garpenlind 800 people in Sweden are currently on the waiting list to receive donated organs, but there are too few organs. Nearly one person dies each week in Sweden while on the waiting list. How can this - 2025-02-17

Think tank seeks solutions for the Health crisis

Published 29 October 2019 Jan Nilsson, Professor in Cardiovascular Research and Chair of the new think tank Vård och Vetenskap. Swedish health care delivers good results, yet we hear every day about the health crisis and its consequences. Now, representatives of academia and health care have grown tired of the crises and started the think tank Health Care and Science with the goal of contributing - 2025-02-17

Researchers Track the Spread of Norovirus in Hospitals

Published 11 November 2019 Carl-Johan Fraenkel. Photo: Tove Smeds Contagion spreads in various ways, with airborne viruses being especially difficult to protect oneself against. Norovirus, or the winter vomiting bug as it is sometimes known, is just such a virus. Carl-Johan Fraenkel, infectious disease and healthcare hygiene specialist, is currently defending his thesis at Lund University, looking - 2025-02-17

Lund Research Into Spinal Cord Injuries Continues to Have Global Impact

Published 11 November 2019 For a decade now, the Rehabilitation Medicine research group’s work on spinal cord injuries (SCI’s) has had a far-reaching impact. In many areas, this is research at the global cutting edge; not least, in terms of following the same group of individuals as they live – and age – with spinal cord injuries. Research group leader Jan Lexell is preparing to flex the group’s a - 2025-02-17

How self-reactive immune cells are allowed to develop

Published 12 November 2019 Joan Yuan, research team leader at the Department of Laboratory Medicine. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter Directly after birth, the immune system completes production of a subtype of antibody-producing immune cells, B-1, that are to last for a lifetime. No more B1-cells are formed after that point. However, these cells are self-reactive – they produce not only antibodies against f - 2025-02-17

Tailored Therapy for Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia

Published 12 November 2019 Rebecca Warfvinge. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter. Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a slowly progressing form of blood cancer that attacks the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. The condition requires lifelong treatment that can cause severe side effects. Rebecca Warfvinge maps stem cells in patients in the hope of identifying predictive markers for how the patient will re - 2025-02-17

Situation of conflict when the doctor becomes the patient

Published 9 December 2019 When then medical student Jonatan Wistrand met a patient who was seriously ill with cancer a few years ago he was extremely moved. On November 29 he defended his doctoral thesis at Lund University with his thesis “The doctor as the patient – documentary and literary statements during the 20th and 21st century”. “I did my training in medical school but worked temporarily d - 2025-02-17

Improved symptom management and a healthier lifestyle with the help of apps

Published 9 December 2019 Mobile apps can help patients with neurological disorders manage their symptoms better and stimulate people into having a healthier lifestyle. This is indicated by interdisciplinary research conducted at the research centre CASE at Lund University, which has been published in the scientific journal Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. “The results are sign - 2025-02-17

Connection between markers of healthy diet and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease resulted in scholarship

Published 9 December 2019 Einar Smith is being awarded the Swedish Savings Bank Foundation scholarship for his thesis. A prospective study which demonstrates that the metabolite ergothioneine, independent of other risk factors, can be linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death. The study is published in BMJ Heart. Einar Smith is being awarded the Swedish Savings Bank Fo - 2025-02-17

Paralympic athletes – a double struggle against injuries and diseases

Published 9 December 2019 Para-athletics is growing in strength worldwide. However, behind the Paralympics that we watch on TV from our sofas there are greater challenges than those related to results. A new thesis from Lund University demonstrates how Paralympic athletes run the risk of sustaining injuries as a result of strict training as well as illnesses caused by their disability. To ensure t - 2025-02-17

Prestigious ERC grant for innovative immunotherapy research

Published 11 December 2019 The European Research Council today announced the winners of its latest Consolidator Grant competition: 301 top scientists and scholars across Europe. Funding for these researchers, part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, is worth in total EUR 600 million. Filipe Pereira at Lund University in Sweden is one of the 89 selected researchers, and will be a - 2025-02-17

Nytt utseende på webbplatsen

Publicerad 1 februari 2021 Den nya startsidan på Från och med den 2 februari 2021 möts du av ett nytt utseende på webbsidorna när du besöker denna webbplats, Webbplatsens innehåll presenteras nu enligt det nya utseende som Lunds universitet gemensamt tagit fram. Förutom att det ser annorlunda ut har anpassningen till visning i mobilen förbättrats. Även ett par tidigare - 2025-02-17

Genvariant tros orsaka stroke

Av olle [dot] dahlback [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Olle Dahlbäck) - publicerad 2 februari 2021 Bildkälla: Mostphotos Forskare vid Lunds universitet tror sig ha identifierat en genvariant som kan orsaka småkärlssjukdom i hjärnan och stroke. – De personer vi undersökt är från samma släkt och flera av dem har insjuknat med småkärlssjukdom i hjärnan och stroke. Efter vävnadsundersökning och genetiska - 2025-02-17

Halverad risk för svår näthinnesjukdom hos extremt tidigt födda

Av katrin [dot] stahl [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Katrin Ståhl) - publicerad 2 februari 2021 Bildkälla: Mostphotos Risken för svår form av näthinnesjukdomen ROP, som kan ge blindhet hos extremt tidigt födda barn, halverades när barnen gavs ett nytt kombinationstillskott av olika fettsyror. Det framgår av en svensk studie ledd som letts från Göteborgs universitet, och i vilken David Ley och Ingrid - 2025-02-17

Forskarna som ser in i cellens allra minsta vrår

Av tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - publicerad 8 februari 2021 Film "Ljus över enzymet som påverkar hur cancerceller rör sig". Film: Ingemar Hultquist. Det är en kall, grå novemberdag när vi träffar forskarna från Lunds universitet vid MAX IV, en forskningsanläggning med världens ljusstarkaste och mest fokuserade röntgenstrålar. Hit kommer forskare från hela världen för a - 2025-02-17

Ovisshet och utsatthet präglar patientens upplevelse på ”Akuten”

Av Sara [dot] Liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - publicerad 9 februari 2021 Andreas Rantala. Foto: Åsa Hansdotter Att tvingas bli inlagd på akutmottagningen och vänta på att få komma till en vårdavdelning är som att befinna sig i limbo, i ett ingenmansland, visar en ny studie från Lunds universitet. – Många vittnar om att de känner sig ensamma, utsatta och övergivna, säger Andre - 2025-02-17

Studie: skärmspel, psykisk ohälsa och beroende

Av olle [dot] dahlback [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Olle Dahlbäck) - publicerad 11 februari 2021 En aktuell studie visar att det finns ett samband mellan antalet timmar på internet, problematiskt och beroendeframkallande spel. Foto: Mostphotos Låg ålder, antalet timmar på internet/sociala medier, upplevelse av ensamhet och tankar på att söka behandling för psykisk ohälsa. Alla är de förknippade med - 2025-02-17

Kan livsstilsinterventioner hos gravida med fetma påverka fostrets gener?

Av tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - publicerad 11 februari 2021 En ny studie med livsstilsintervention visar hur våra gener påverkas av vår livsstil. Bild: Mostphotos I ett internationellt samarbete mellan forskare i Sverige, Danmark och Spanien undersöktes om barns gener programmeras annorlunda om den gravida kvinnan med ett BMI på över 30 genomgick livsstilsintervention - 2025-02-17

Bakterieproteiner bryter ner onkogenen MYC och motverkar cancer

Publicerad 12 februari 2021 Forskare i Lund har upptäckt att E. coli-bakterier producerar ett protein som bryter ner onkogenen MYC och kan användas för cancerbehandling. Bild: Mostphotos. En upptäckt gjord av forskare vid Lunds universitet visar att bakterier selektivt påverkar den välkända onkogenen MYC, som är involverad i många cancersjukdomar. Studien publiceras nu i Nature Biotechnology. Canc - 2025-02-17